Brippo extension for Magento Open Source & Adobe Commerce platforms provides a variety of payment methods and integrations including:
- Wallet Express Button from product page, minicart, cart or checkout, supporting Apple Pay, Google Pay and Stripe Link.
- Checkout Form from checkout, supporting direct Credit/Debit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay and Stripe Link.
- Pay by Link supporting Credit/Debit, Apple Pay and Google Pay and Stripe Link from Stripe-hosted checkout. Reserve order, pay later.
- POS Terminal supporting Credit/Debit, Apple Pay and Google Pay and Stripe Link using Stripe Terminal.
- POS Pay by Link supporting Credit/Debit, Apple Pay and Google Pay and Stripe Link from Stripe-hosted checkout. Reserve order, pay later.
Brippo Payments is also available in WooCommerce for Wordpress, currently compatible with Wallet Express Button and Checkout Form.
Getting Started
1Configure repository credentials.
- composer config repositories.ebizmarts composer https://packages.ebizmarts.com
- composer config http-basic.brippo.gitlab.ebizmarts.com brippo 2YaFBQSw9F_BbexodkPy
- composer config http-basic.pos.gitlab.ebizmarts.com apiuser Jh6PqthGZS3cjZhgZNXm
2*OptionalIf your store integrates eBizmarts POS solution, install the following additional extension depending on your Adobe/Magento edition.
- composer require ebizmarts/pos-meta "~102"
- composer require ebizmarts/pos-ee "~101"
- composer require ebizmarts/pos-brippo
3*OptionalRun the following command to install the MSI module:
- composer require ebizmarts/pos-multi-source-inventory
Configure your locations:
- Go to the Magento admin panel.
- Add your locations and warehouses where you'll manage inventory.i
Associate products with sources:
- Edit the productsiand associate them with the inventory sources.
Verify the setup in POS:
- Ensure your POS system recognizes the changes and correctly displays inventory across multiple locations.
The Devices tab in the POS system allows you to manage and configure devices, assign stores, update keys, and set up payment methods. For more detailed information, check out the full guide here.
4Install Brippo Payments packages.
- composer require ebizmarts/brippo-payments-frontend
5Finally, run magento deployment commands.
- bin/magento setup:upgrade
- bin/magento setup:di:compile
- bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Set up
Brippo configuration and set up should only take 5 minutes. After you follow these steps you'll be ready to start taking payments.
1Create a connected account. Go to your Brippo configurationi, open the General section and click on the Create Test/Live Account button. You'll be redirected to the onboarding wizard.
2A popup will show with some pre-loaded values which you can edit if needed. Make sure to read our Terms of Service before proceeding.
3Complete your business information in the onboarding wizard. In test mode, most values can be skipped. After completion, you'll be redirected back to your store.
4Enable the desired integrations and payment methods from your store's Brippo configuration.
Explore the Brippo Dashboard, our user-friendly payment gateway portal that offers:
- Real-Time Transaction Monitoring, stay updated with instant transaction tracking.
- Insightful Analytics, Gain valuable insights through detailed payment reports.
- Custom User Permissions, Manage access with adjustable user controls.
- Easy Integration, Seamlessly connect with your existing systems via our API.
Accessing The Brippo Dashboard
1Go to your Brippo configurationi, open the General section and click on the Dashboard button. You will be redirected to our portal.
2You will need to register a new account specifically for Brippo Dashboard access.
3[Optional] If you don't see your connected account's overview or you just want to add another test/live account, you'll need to manually link it using the account ID provided in your General section at Brippo configurationi
Pay By LInk
1Enable the Payment Method
- Click Configure next to the Brippo Payments module.i
2Configure Manual Customizations
- Payment Method Name: Enter the name for the payment method in the "Payment Method Title" field.
- Capture Method: Choose between:
- Manual: Authorizes the payment without capturing it immediately.
- Automatic: Authorizes and captures the payment at the same time.
- Email Customizations:
- Email Template: Select or customize the email template for customer communications.
- Email Subject: Define the subject of the email.
3(Optional) Backend Configuration of "Pay by Link" Method
- Enable: Check the Enable box to activate the payment method.
- Add a Title: Enter a descriptive title for the payment method.
- Select Capture Method: Choose the appropriate capture method (similar to the standard method).
- Payment Confirmation Note: Add or modify the confirmation message that will be shown after the payment.
4Save Customizations
- After configuring the options, click Save Config to save the changes.
Guide to Creating Email Templates in Magento
1Create a New Email Template
- Select Email Templates from the dropdown menu.i
2Select a Base Template
- In the Template field, choose an existing template from the dropdown if you want to start with a pre-designed template.
3Specify Template Information
- Template Name: Enter a unique name to identify the template.
- Template Subject: Write the subject line of the email.
- Template Content: Input the email content in the editor. Use the formatting options and dynamic variables as needed.
4Save the Template
- Once you’ve filled in all the necessary fields, click Save Template to save your new template.
5Modify an Existing Email Template
- Find the template you want to edit in the list of templates.
- Click Select next to the template name and choose Edit .
- Make any necessary changes and click Save Template to update it.
6Assign the Email Template to a Transaction
- Navigate to Stores / Configuration .
- Expand the Sales section and select Payment Methods.
- Find the Brippo configuration in the list of payment methods and select PayByLink.
- Within the Brippo configuration for PayByLink, go to the Email Template section.
- For each email type (e.g., New Order , Invoice), select your newly created template from the dropdown menu.
7Click Save Config to apply the changes.
- Always test the email template to ensure correct formatting and content in the final email.
- You can use dynamic variables and custom content blocks to personalize your emails based on store needs.
Important Note: The template selected in the payment method configuration will be used both for the payment process on the frontend and for its display in the Magento backend. Make sure to choose a template that works well in both areas to ensure a consistent experience.
User guide for Brippo Portal
1Create a Payment Link
- Go to the Payments section within the dashboard.
- Click on the Payment Link button situated in the top-right corner of the dashboard.
2Add Required Data and Customize the Link
- Add Title: Enter a descriptive title to identify the payment link.
- Add Amount: Specify the amount you wish to charge.
- Add Number of Payments: Define the number of payments if it is a split payment.
- Add Customer Email: Enter the customer's email address where the link will be sent.
- Add a Reference: Enter an internal reference for your control. This reference will not be visible to the customer.
3Create the Payment Link
- Click on the Create Payment Link button. This button will also display the amount to be charged.
4Send the Payment Link
- Once the link is created, a pop-up will appear with a QR code that redirects the customer to the payment, along with the corresponding link.
- Verify that the customer's email is correct and click on the Send Link button to send the payment link to the customer.
User guide for Magento Backend
1Create a New Order
- Click on the Create New Order button in the top-right corner.i
2Select the Customer
- On the order creation page, choose an existing customer or create a new one.
3Add Products to the Order
- In the Items section, add the products you want to include in the order.
- You can search for and add products from the Magento catalog.
4Configure Shipping and Billing Information
- Fill in the shipping and billing information for the order.
- Ensure you enter the correct address and other necessary details.
5Select the Payment Method
- In the Payment Method section, choose Pay by Link from the list of available payment methods.
- If you do not see the Pay by Link payment method, ensure that it is enabled in Magento’s configuration (see above for instructions on how to enable it).
6Review and Confirm the Order
- Review all the order information to ensure it is correct.
- Click Submit Order to complete the order creation process.
PayPal integration requires at least Magento Brippo Frontend version 100.1.53.
1Go to your PayPal's developer portal at developer.paypal.com.
2In the Apps & Credentials tab, create a new Platform App.
3Go to your Brippo Portal's Integrations tab.
4Look for the PayPal section, click on Connect and use the credentials you created at step 2.
Configure Checkout Payment Method
Configure Alternative Payment Method
User Guide Checkout Payment Method
User Guide Alternative Payment Method
Functionality in Hyvä themes
General Disputes
How to Manage Disputes in Brippo
When a customer disputes a charge, it means they have questioned a transaction made with their card. This dispute process can be complex, and Stripe will hold the involved funds until it is resolved. Here’s a guide on how to effectively handle such situations.
1Understand the Nature of Disputes
Disputes arise when a customer does not recognize or questions a purchase. Stripe acts as an intermediary, temporarily holding funds until the situation is investigated. Before taking any action, it’s essential to thoroughly understand the transaction details and the reason for the dispute.
2Review the Details of the Dispute
Before proceeding, verify the basic information:
- Transaction details such as the date, amount, and customer name.
- Reason for the dispute provided by Stripe; understanding the rationale behind the dispute helps determine the appropriate response.
- Possible communication with the customer; in some cases, speaking directly with the customer can resolve the conflict amicably and quickly.
3Prepare a Response
If you decide to respond to the dispute, make sure to back up your case with solid evidence. Some useful documents may include:
- Payment receipts.
- Invoices or delivery proofs.
- Records of any communication you had with the customer. It’s important that the information provided is clear and detailed, as you won’t be able to modify it after sending it to Stripe.
4Importance of Accuracy
Remember that once you submit your response, there will be no way to correct or add information. Carefully review every detail to ensure all evidence is correct and sufficient.
Prevention is the best strategy. By following these recommendations, you can reduce the risk of fraudulent disputes and protect your business. For further assistance, remember that our Brippo support section is available to guide you through these processes and provide detailed advice.
Guide to Handling Fraudulent Transaction Disputes
Fraudulent disputes are a common issue for merchants, occurring when a cardholder claims they did not authorize a payment. This could be due to a simple misunderstanding or fraudulent use of the card.
Strategies to Prevent Fraudulent Disputes:
Implementing effective strategies can significantly reduce the chances of facing fraudulent disputes. Here are some key practices to consider:
- Clear statement descriptor: Ensure that the name appearing on the bank statement is easily recognizable to your customers and matches your business name or website URL.
- Sending receipts: Send a receipt immediately after the transaction to help customers remember their purchase.
- Best practices for fraud prevention: Familiarize yourself with and implement best practices to prevent fraud, protecting your business and giving customers peace of mind.
Steps to Win a Dispute:
This selection is very important in determining who will be the winner of the dispute, so it is crucial to pay close attention to the option selected.
- The cardholder withdrew the dispute: Use this information if the customer withdrew the dispute or admitted it was a mistake.
- The cardholder was refunded: Mention and provide documentation if you have issued a refund.
- The purchase was made by the rightful cardholder: Explain that the transaction was made by the cardholder or an authorized representative.
- Other: If the transaction was authenticated with 3D Secure, include it as proof of validation.
Prevention is the best strategy. By following these recommendations, you can reduce the risk of fraudulent disputes and protect your business. For further assistance, remember that our Brippo support section is available to guide you through these processes and provide detailed advice.
Guide to Handling Disputes for Products Not Received
Disputes over products not received can arise when a customer claims that their order did not arrive. These disputes can be challenging, but taking proactive steps can help mitigate their occurrence.
Strategies to Prevent Product Not Received Disputes:
Implementing effective strategies can significantly reduce the chances of facing disputes regarding undelivered products. Here are some key practices to consider:
- Keep Shipping Records: Save shipping labels and, for high-value items, consider requiring a signature upon delivery to ensure accountability.
- Enable Customer Communication: Make it easy for customers to contact you about delivery issues. Sending a receipt upon payment that customers can reply to directly can facilitate communication.
- Track Usage for Digital Goods: For digital items or services, maintain access logs or other documentation showing usage linked to the customer, providing proof of delivery.
- Honor Policies for Refund Requests: Promptly adhere to your written policies if a customer requests a full or partial refund due to non-receipt.
Steps to Win a Dispute:
This selection is very important in determining who will be the winner of the dispute, so it is crucial to pay close attention to the option selected.
- The cardholder withdrew the dispute: Include this information if the customer retracted their claim.
- The cardholder was refunded: Provide documentation demonstrating that the refund was issued.
- The cardholder received the product or service: Show evidence that the product was delivered or the service was rendered.
- The product, service, event, or booking was cancelled or delayed due to a government order (COVID-19): Include any relevant documentation related to cancellations or delays.
- Other: Provide any additional information that may support your case.
Prevention is the best strategy. By following these recommendations, you can reduce the risk of fraudulent disputes and protect your business. For further assistance, remember that our Brippo support section is available to guide you through these processes and provide detailed advice.
Brippo API
This section is currently under development.
Installed extensions versioning is displayed in the Magento config section:
Pro Tip: Clicking the versions text will download brippo_payments.log
Brippo Payments logs can be found under the var/log folder of your Magento instance.
For WooCommerce these can be found in the Wordpress Admin > WooCommerce > Status > Logs.
The log files are the following:
- brippo_payments.log
- brippo_payments_monitor.log
- brippo_payments_service_api.log
Some logs may only appear when you have enabled Debug Mode in your Brippo Payments configuration.
Google/Apple Pay modal not showing after clicking button
If you're seeing the Google/Apple pay button but the Modal is not loading after clicking it there are two possible causes:
- Another modal is already open in a different tab. When one modal is already open this results in the modal just failing to load. You will need to close the previous modal or tab where it was opening for the new one to load.
- An error may be occurring. Wallet errors are usually reported under the Inspect/Developer console. If you're experiencing an error we recommend to check the Console to see the errors clearly.
Google Pay button not showing
If the Google Pay wallet button is not appearing at all to you there are various possible causes:
- Integration is in LIVE mode and no live CC saved in browser
LIVE Google Pay requires a real CC to load properly, you can set one in your Google Chrome settings > Autofill and passwords > Payment Methods. - Integration is in TEST mode and no live/test CC saved in browser
In TEST mode you're required to have joined the Developer group that allows TEST Credit Cards. You can find more information about this on the Google Developers page. - Not using Chrome browser nor Android device
A Chrome browser or Android device is required to use Google Pay, if you are not using one of these the Wallets will not appear. - No Google Account logged in browser
Since Credit Cards are saved within the Google Account, if you are not logged into an account the Wallet will not load. - Order total is below GBP 0.30
If the transaction amount is less than the minimum allowed by Stripe, the Wallets will not load.
You can find the minimum required amounts for each supported currency on the Stripe Docs page. - No SSL / Invalid SSL
If the website doesn't have an SSL Certificate set correctly, the Wallets will refuse to load.
Stripe provides this page to check if there is any Credit Card saved in your browser.
You should see the wallet button below the title if there is any CC saved in your browser:
Apple Pay button not showing
If the Apple Pay wallet button is not appearing at all to you there are various possible causes:
- Not using Safari nor iPhone/iPad
Safari or an iPad/iPhone are required to use Apple Pay, when using Safari a device with Fingerprint may also be required to use the Wallet feature. - Domain not registered in our Stripe Account
Brippo Payments automatically verifies the domain when installing, you can check if this is correct in your Brippo Payments configuration > General > Domain Registration Status. - Order total is below GBP 0.30
If the transaction amount is less than the minimum allowed by Stripe, the Wallets will not load.
You can find the minimum required amounts for each supported currency on the Stripe Docs page. - No SSL / Invalid SSL
If the website doesn't have an SSL Certificate set correctly, the Wallets will refuse to load.
Same as for GooglePay, Stripe provides this page to check if there is any CC saved in your browser.
If you're still experiencing issues after verifying the possible causes, please refer to our known issues section or our get support section.Known Issues
Below is a list of known issues that may affect the functionality or performance of the current system. These issues are actively being monitored, and workarounds or fixes are provided when available. Please review the details carefully to understand potential impacts and solutions.
Google/Apple Pay wallets not loading anywhere
If you have enabled Apple Pay or Google Pay, but you're unable to see it in any of the possible places these can load, such as the Shopping Cart, Minicart, Product Page or Checkout, we recommend you follow the steps below to verify everything is working properly:
1Verify the ConfigurationMake sure all Wallets of your choosing are enabled in your website Configuration, if you're using Magento it's possible that some of the Scopes for the website have the Wallets disabled, causing them not to appear for that specific scope.
Verify that you have selected the correct availability for the Wallets, when set as 'Always' these should always appear, when 'Auto' is selected the wallet will only be displayed automatically if the customer has a saved Credit Card in their browser.
Always check that the Layout Placement setting is empty, which should load the default placement for the Wallets, or instead using an existing css of your choosing, if the css has a typo or is set incorrectly it may cause the Wallet not to load properly.
2Make sure you have a saved Credit Card in your BrowserIf you have set the Wallets to load automatically, these will try to check for a saved payment method. If they're not loading, we recommend you to set a Credit Card within your Browser or device.
For Google Pay you may need to also enable an extra setting, in Google Chrome you should go to Settings > Autofill and passwords > Payment methods > Allow sites to check if you have payment methods saved.
For Apple Pay you will need to go to the Wallets & Apple Pay settings in your device and add any Credit Card, it should automatically allow Apple Pay to load in your browser.
3Make sure your website is available to the public.If your website is locked with an http auth, or the connection is not secure (such as the website not having a valid Certificate) then Apple Pay and Google Pay will not load in that website regardless of you having a Credit Card set within your browser.
Klarna not loading on checkout
If you're experiencing an issue where Klarna is not loading for some customers it's possible that the customer country is not the same as your own country.
If you’re based in the EEA, UK, or Switzerland, then you can transact with consumers across the EEA, UK, and Switzerland, provided the presentment currency matches the currency of the customer’s country. For example, a Swedish business can present in EUR to accept Klarna from a buyer in Germany.
If you’re based outside the EEA, UK, or Switzerland, then you can only transact with customers within your country, and the presentment currency must be the currency of your country. For example, an Australian business must present in AUD, and can only transact with buyers in Australia.
Apple well-known configuration
Normally, after installing and setting up Brippo Payments, the file apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association is automatically generated in the pub/.well-known folder of your Magento.
When this is properly generated you should be able to see the correct message below:
If it's not properly generated an error message similar to the one below will appear instead:
In this case, following the guide found in the error message should fix the issue, but in case you're experiencing a 404 error instead it's possible that the files were not generated properly and have to be manually set.
To do so we recommend following the video guide below to assist you with this process:
Get Support
If you're experiencing any issues or have questions, our support team is here to help.Please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email [Contact Support], and we'll ensure prompt assistance to resolve your concerns.